Resume previous task: If "No" is selected, ships will simply wait for new orders at the jump destination and enemy ships will just die. 1.5x is the default value and seems well balanced, weak ships might still die though. In short, The bigger the multiplier is, the sooner ships will jump. Instead of looking only at thresholds, ships will also compute how much time they have left to live and trigger an emergency jump if this time is shorter than the time it takes to make a jump MULTIPLIED by the "Time Multiplier" value. Time multiplier: To understand the second option you have to know how Smart Jump internally works. In that case, I highly recommend to lower them. Activated: If "No" is selected, only thresholds will be used. Ships will consider doing an emergency jump if both their shield and hull amounts are below those values. Enemy ships can jump too (except for mission ships since that could break them).Įverything is done through the in-game menu (under "Informations").Jumps can be logged to the logbook and / or shown on the event monitor.They can also wait after some repair and their drones. After a jump, ships can either wait or move back to their previous location and resume their original task.They then use their booster and get out of the zone.

They jump to the border (35km~40km) of a zone chosen randomly among those having a beacon (adjacent sectors only, however they can also do an in-sector jump if the beacon is in another zone).The time it takes to jump is modified by the Captain's navigation and combat skill (+0~10 seconds).Basically, instead of only using thresholds, they will jump only if they think that the danger is real. There's also a "Smart Jump" option (activated by default) that takes into account the DPS received, the remaining shield / hull amount and the time it takes to jump (at least 20s). Capital ships attempt an emergency jump when they're below a certain amount of shield and hull.I won't provide any support if you download this mod through a package or compilation since I won't be able to control its content. Allows all capital ships to automatically do an emergency jump if they think they're about to die.