New Rounded Edges: simplifies the process of importing and converting objects in Octane with a robust workflow for creating ultra-realistic corner and bevel details.NVLink: Gives you the ability to effectively double GPU VRAM by combining two cards into one pool of fast shared (not mirrored) memory for complex renders.The Spectral Hair Material enables different coloring modes for hair, as well as multiple roughness parameters for different scattering behavior along a hair strand. With Random Walk SSS and Octane’s new Spectral Hair Material, you can easily create photorealistic digital characters.

And with Octane 3.0 we provide integration to a beta version of the new Octane Render Cloud to scale for all of your on-demand GPU compute needs.A new Random Walk medium allows you to create ultra-realistic skin and other absorption/scattering materials in Octane. Attached to your editing tools? No problem! Octane supports more than 21 plugins and has a fully interactive, real-time 3D editing viewport. Use OctaneRender to create images of the highest possible quality at speeds up to 50x faster than CPU-based, unbiased renderers. The release also incorporates important industry standards for GPU rendering, including Open Shader Language (OpenSL) and OpenVDB for particle simulation.

Features include volumetric light field primitives and deep motion buffers for high frame rate VR rendering. The release of the new OctaneRender 3, brings new state-of-the-art tools never seen before in any production renderer. With Octane’s parallel compute capabilities, you can create stunning works in a fraction of the time. What does that mean? It means that Octane uses the graphics card in your computer to render photo-realistic images super fast.

OctaneRender is the world’s first and fastest GPU-accelerated, unbiased, physically correct renderer. Octane Render 3.07 R2 plugin for Cinema 4D is a GPU base renderer